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Hayat Foundation is a non profit; a UK based international relief and development organisation with its roots in the humanitarian teachings of Islam. We do not discriminate on the grounds of religion, belief, race, age, disability or sexual orientation and gende


Hayat Foundation is a UK-based charitable organization striving for positive social change by meeting the dynamic needs of the Muslim communities it serves in the UK, as well leading on relief and welfare programmes in Afghanistan.


To empower targeted communities, through education, economic growth, and social change, fostering sustainable development and creating opportunities for a brighter future.

Our History

Hayat Foundation was set up in 2012 by a group of sincere, intellectual and thoughtful Afghans in the UK. The original trustees of this charitable trust form the board of governing bodies which has guided the development of Hayat Foundation during the last 5 years.

In its early years, the organisation focussed on community development, promotion of education, preservation of cultural and religious values among the Afghan in the UK and also providing emergency relief to the natural and man-made disasters in the Afghanistan.

The Hayat Foundation also focused on providing education, medical care and facilities for poor widows, orphans, handicapped persons and other persons suffering from poverty particularly as a result of war wounds and also to provide for appropriate rehabilitation centres, camps, housing and other sheltered accommodation.

However in recent years, Hayat foundation changed its approach and, without lessening its emergency relief work, started to implement long-term development programmes with the aim of tackling the root causes of poverty.

With this shift in approach, Hayat Foundation is concerned about the spread of radicalization and violence among the youth, therefore we have been successful to minimise the threat of radicalization and violence in the community by organizing seminars, conferences, knowledge competitions and also inviting the respected and well known Afghan scholars from across the globe for promotion of enlightenment, wellbeing and peaceful life with other communities in the UK.

  • To be an organisation that meets the dynamic needs of the communities we serve including social, spiritual and developmental.
  • To be an organisation that reflects the diversity of the Muslim community in the UK and leads the way in promoting the true and moderate message of Islam.
  • To develop constructive and mutually beneficial relationships with the wider Muslim non-Muslim community whilst remaining true to Islam and its noble principles.To be an organisation that supports charitable work in its wide spheres, beginning with local issues like homelessness, food banks, supporting the vulnerable of young and old, and expanding to overseas relief efforts when needed.

The management team at Hayat Foundation is a dedicated group of individuals committed to driving positive social change and meeting the evolving needs of Muslim communities in the UK. They are also at the forefront of leading relief and welfare programs in Afghanistan. With a focus on compassion and innovation, the team works tirelessly to ensure that the organization’s mission of serving and uplifting communities is achieved. Their leadership and expertise guide the foundation in making a meaningful impact on the lives of those they serve.

Mr. Noor Alam Hakimyar

Mr. Noor Alam Hakimyar

Mr. Noor Alam Hakimyar is the CEO of HGL. He has an MBA from Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. He is a development professional with over two decades of experience.

Furthermore, he brings with him many years of experience working in different sectors. Under his leadership, organizations expanded their scope and reached new levels of growth. He served as the Chief Executive Officer for an investment climate organization and the Chief Operating Officer for a telecom company with over $700 million in investment.

In addition to his busy career, Mr. Hakimyar loves to engage with like-minded people and organizations to have a lasting impact on people’s lives and improve their access to better education and business opportunities. He volunteers and has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Humanitarian Assistant Society (HAS) and a Member of the Board of Supervisors for a successful bank in Afghanistan. Mr. Hakimyar received his MBA from the Warwick Business School, one of the most prestigious universities in the UK.

Board of Trustees