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We believe that everything is connected and that seeking development in one field necessitates similar progress in another. That’s why we’re committed to holistic growth in all areas of life. We believe that progress and betterment must be attained on all levels, in all fields, by everyone involved.


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We value diverse representation and an array of integrated perspectives and contributions. Each individual has an important and unique viewpoint that can serve to educate and enrich.

The Qur’an says:

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another” [Qur’an 49:13].


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Creating a real impact demands striving for perfection in substance, content and presentation. That’s why we aim to transcend mediocracy and are driven to do everything with the utmost care and diligence. We’re not just committed to getting the job done, but to getting it done in the best possible way and with the greatest success.

The Prophet (pbuh) teaches us:

Verily, Allah loves that when anyone of you does a job he should perfect it.


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Justice is the bedrock of a flourishing, moral society. Without it, no one is safe. We’re committed to the pursuit of justice and social wellbeing on a national and global scale. The pain of others is our own. The Qur’an commands us to:
“stand out firmly for justice…even if it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be they rich or poor” [Qur’an 4:135].